The Bigger Picture of Expanding into Unity Consciousness

You might be wondering exactly what it means…Expanding Into Unity Consciousness. I get it. When I was first introduced to this paradigm of what’s possible, the language, the information, the seemingly impossible possibilities boggled my mind. And it touched something within me that kept me going, seeking more and better understanding or experience of what my mind could not grasp.

This chapter of my journey began with a personal reading with a trance channel in 2000. Until then, I had given little thought or attention to other explanations for what I experienced as my reality at that time. A few times I remember someone talking about reincarnation, past lives, or ‘sensing’ another person. That was fine for them, but it had nothing to do with me. And yet I was at a place in my life where I was searching for meaning, for some reason to stay here on earth. That reading, or conversation with my Higher Self (the part of my soul on the other side of the veil), gave me hope that there was more to the story.

There was a bigger picture filled with words like consciousness and energy, dimensions and frequencies, angelic beings and Ascended Masters. I transcribed that channelled conversation and still refer to it from time to time.  At first, it soothed that part of me that thought I misunderstood or was making it all up. Later, it began to form a foundation for what was happening in my life. And now I get it…I get the message I was given:


My life was about to change, gradually, until I would no
longer recognize the person I was at that time. I was
here to be
present at a time in which everything
in our world would begin to shift
back to its original
design. And I would have all the resources of the
higher realms to assist my
own transformation.


And change it has! I am forever grateful that I no longer identify primarily as that human being, trying desperately to figure out what was going on and how to be content, if not successful in life. You can read more of my journey here, but for now know that I would not change anything that has happened (even as I often questioned it).

Transformation begins with letting go of the old paradigm; releasing old thoughts, beliefs, behaviours. Things I thought to be helpful and healthy were shown to be limiting and cause suffering. Transformation expands into discovering who I am as my Soul Self. While challenging and painful at times, what opened up is a reality in which magic and miracles abound, love and joy sneak in around my rather rigid mind, and the original teachings of the great spiritual leaders like Jesus (Yeshua), the Buddha, Mohammad and others finally fall into place.

Information is helpful – it allows my mind to ‘help’ discern if something is true for me. That first conversation with my Higher Self back in 2000 gave my mind some information which was interesting and enticing. There is far more information available today* and some of what was new to me then has become part of mass consciousness. I offer some basic thoughts on my websites, Expanding Consciousness and Our Journey Into Joy. I also encourage you to do your own research, following your soul’s desire to remember and expand.

It was this energetic awakening of my Soul Self that has kept me opening to new and letting go of old since that time. I still cannot logically explain the idea of something ‘resonating’ within me, and yet my heart longs for this…for connection with the divine in a way that was not available to me before.  This part of my journey, the path I have followed from my heart IS the ever expanding experience of more, the discovery of who I really am.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this…whether you’ve had similar experiences, have no idea what I’m talking about, or are just interested in discovering more. Join me and others on Saturday, February 24 at 11 am for one hour of Expanding Conversations. Sign up here to receive the Zoom link and other information. Or sign up here for a free 30 minute 1-on-1 conversation with me. Or…just leave a comment below.

From my heart to yours,



* Suggested search keywords: unity consciousness, enlightenment, ascension, spiritual awakening



  • Steve Beckow

    February 7, 2024 - 6:48 am

    Beautiful column, Eloecea.

    Have you asked your enlightenment Board of Directors for a fourth-chakra heart opening?

    Your Board of Directors consists of the Divine Mother, your archangel, your 7D Higher Self, and your guides. They must be asked according to the Law of Freewill.

    After that, begin to draw love up from your heart on your inbreath and send it out to the world on your outbreath. Love must flow; we experience it as it flows through us out to someone else.

    You’re now priming the pump.

    When your hridayam or heart door opens, you’ll experience a love that will answer all your questions. Nothing will remain after that of worries , hopes, or fears. No desire will remain except for more, higher, and deeper.



    • Eloecea

      February 7, 2024 - 1:10 pm

      Hi Steve – so good to hear from you again! Thank you for this perfect illustration of another path home, another way to remember who we are as souls and experience that love fully, sharing that love with those around us and, together, creating heaven here in our moments. Different language, different practices, just different…and yet, appreciating differences, recognizing what resonates with me, and revelling in that which creates Unity – our connection with the Divine and our desire to be love ‘more, higher, and deeper’ here, now. E

  • Dan Meylink

    February 11, 2024 - 8:11 am

    What a beautiful description of a life changing journey. Congratulations for all that you have been through and all that is still to come. I too have seen glimpses of my Soul Self. It’s always there but oftentimes not easy to connect with. But we keep trying.

    • Eloecea

      February 12, 2024 - 11:21 am

      Thank you, Dan. The first step is always the awareness of the Soul Self, that there’s something More available. I’m happy that you have had experiences of this. We are creators of our moments. As we choose to invite our Soul Self to show itself clearly, without any doubt, we begin our journey into More. Enjoy the ride!

  • Ayleyaell Kinder

    February 11, 2024 - 8:46 pm

    I believe Connection is the key, the linchpin if you will, to healing, to experiencing oneness and wholeness. Connection to Source, to all our relations, to self, and especially to our spiritual heart.

    I’d noticed many of my clients come to me in pain and experiencing fear and overwhelm. They had developed behaviour to distract themself away from painful emotions, thoughts, and negative information, and their pain had increased to the point where it could not be ignored. (Like the children’s picture book “There’s No Such thing as a Dragon” by Jack Kent; several read thrus available on YouTube) including

    It takes some courage, but a surprisingly short time, to learn to be calm, aware and to welcome such messages.

    • Eloecea

      February 12, 2024 - 11:32 am

      Hi Ayleyaell! Absolutely, connection with our Soul Self, perhaps even remembering that the connection is already there, is the fountain from which all else flows. That awareness, and allowing/inviting our Soul Self to be present, opens the door to healing of mind, body, emotions and even spiritual issues. All that’s left is gratitude in each moment of freedom we experience from that healing. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience.

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