Expanding Together

Let’s journey together, sharing and supporting each other as we remember who we are and why we are here.
Connect with Eloecea

Resources: Expanding Together

 All Sessions Are Online Only

Are you longing for a message of hope in these turbulent times? These Resources offer new possibilities for you and for humanity:

A Free 30 minute one-on-one

with Eloecea

Expanding Consciousness Conversations

with Eloecea

Explore my companion website, Our Journey into Joy. OJIJ offers more specific information and processes that will assist you as you begin to discover a different view of who you are and why you are here. It has spiritual, psychological, and scientific background information on the Cycle of Expansion.

Expanding Together

Ultimately, all resources may lead to becoming your Natural Self.

Consciousness Coaching:

Choose to release fear-based beliefs and receive higher perspectives based in love. Learn the individual inner work necessary through exploring the Cycle of Expansion. Let go of
old programming. Allow love, compassion, joy, peace, and harmony to begin to flourish within you.

Schedule an individual 30 minute ($80 CAD) or 60 minute ($150 CAD) session now.

Consciousness Consulting:

Explore how your relationships and organisations can expand into Unity Consciousness. There are new possibilities available from higher perspectives, solutions to the limitations and divisiveness that create chaos in your external world.

Schedule a 90 minute consultation now. ($200 CAD)


Subscription to EXPAND provides an opportunity to connect with Eloecea and others who choose to let go of their old ways of being and expand into higher levels of consciousness.

Join us. ($33/mo CAD)



A Short Introduction to Unity Consciousness:

In this 60 minute course ($39 CAD), you will learn about the bigger picture, Unity Consciousness, and the Cycle of Expansion. Discover the true nature of who you are and a path that will guide you there.

Date and Time:          Monday,  May 13, 2024   7 – 8 pm

Discovering your Soul Self

Within the nurturing space of a small group, this immersive course will meet bi-weekly
for eight 2-hour sessions ($800 CAD). By setting your intention to expand, this highly experiential learning space will offer support and guidance as you:

This will be scheduled when there is enough interest. Contact Eloecea to let her know you are interested.


>Introduction to Universal Law
>Alternate Realities
>Ascension, Realisation, Enlightenment, and
Accelerated Evolution of Consciousness
>What to do with Cognitive Dissonance