Are you ready to expand?

Your Soul Self is waiting for a deeper connection with your human self, your ego mind.
Connect With the Divine Within

Discovering Your Soul Self

It’s always been there, your Soul Self, waiting for your human ego mind to relax enough to discover its presence and the higher perspectives and possibilities it holds for your life. In our quiet moments, when we consciously choose to let go of the distractions that keep us from feeling and knowing, in these moments we become aware of it, our Soul.

We each experience the presence of the divine in our own way. Some connect through seeing images or hearing a voice. Others sense a nudge to do or say something different. Sometimes a thought drops into your awareness and you just know it wasn’t your mind. There can be a sense of wonder and awe, perhaps even surprise and relief knowing that you are not alone. Our Soul Self has always been and will always be with us…guiding, loving, protecting, encouraging.

As we begin to realize and accept that we are Souls here in human form, we start to shift into our new, ever-expanding Soul Self. We are invited to let go of the limited human perspectives of who we think we are and what we are about. As we choose to dissolve our old fear-based patterns of thoughts and behaviours, we find ourselves living instead in the freedom, love, and joy of Unity Consciousness.

What is The Cycle of Expansion?

Think of the Cycle of Expansion as signposts for your journey into Unity Consciousness. It  is the essence of wisdom and insight received from spiritual, psychological, and scientific resources and experiences throughout my life. It provides a simple, flexible and open path for everyone to go within and expand into their true Self.

As the various pieces of information and experience started coming together in my awareness, my life gradually started to take on a bigger picture, expanding my sense of purpose and fulfillment. The beauty of this path is its individuality…the basic elements are present as a guide with the expansion and direction of your path flowing from choices you make along the way. You are creating your own path using the signposts for your journey into Unity Consciousness.

By releasing fear-based thoughts and beliefs through The Cycle of Expansion, I received insight and higher perspectives based in love. This individual inner work is necessary to let go of the old programming, strengthen your connection with your Soul, and allow the presence of Unity Consciousness.

Integration of the new insights brings a new balance in your life from a higher state of consciousness. Love, compassion, joy, peace, harmony and so much more will gradually flourish within you and begin to flow into the world around you. You are creating heaven on earth from within.

Consciousness Coaching

Choose to release fear-based beliefs and receive higher
perspectives based in love. Learn the individual inner work
necessary through exploring the Cycle of Expansion. Let go of
old programming. Allow love, compassion, joy, peace, and
harmony to begin to flourish within you. Schedule an individual 30 minute or 60 minute session now.

Consciousness Consulting

Explore how your relationships and organisations can expand into Unity Consciousness. There are new possibilities available from higher perspectives, solutions to the limitations and divisiveness that create chaos in your external world. Schedule a 90 minute  consultation now.

"I go in to come out…"

Anais Nin