Next Steps: Symptoms of Expanding

It really doesn’t matter whether you choose to consciously engage with the expansion into Unity Consciousness or not…as I’ve said before, it’s happening. There is enough light and high frequency energies on Earth now to naturally shift everything and everyone into higher levels of consciousness gradually. It is an accelerated natural evolution of consciousness, a divine plan to lift humanity and Mother Earth herself into Unity Consciousness. And each of us experience it in our own way.

As humans, we know that we each have four bodies that represent our feelings and relationship to all things. Our physical body is perhaps the most obvious and readily available for awareness. Our mental body, for most, is basically a database gathering more information and deleting whatever doesn’t fit or work any longer. It only knows the past and is that which keeps us aligned with 3D and our human desires.

We are often less aware of our emotional body, tending to disregard emotions as unhelpful, stuff them as too much to bear, or judge any emotional response as an unworthy and unnecessary aspect of being human. Our spiritual body is our connection with the divine, sometimes referred to as intuition. It doesn’t matter what faith tradition or belief system you hold, it is present in every human whether you choose to be aware of it or not.

On this journey from where you are/were in Third Dimension reality you are gradually being lifted into higher and higher levels of consciousness. The overall path that is offered here often begins with Awareness of issues that create suffering and, at times, new possibilities and potentials. There are old beliefs and emotional entanglements to Release and new Insights from higher perspectives to receive. The Integration of the new levels of consciousness into all four bodies of the human self can bring a new sense of balance with more freedom and joy as you navigate your journey.

There are symptoms that serve as signposts that you are moving along, a spiritual GPS for the journey of expanding into Unity Consciousness. They can lead to a sense of ‘I’m losing my mind’, I’m sick, or just a generalized anxiety…especially if you have no idea what is going on! These symptoms are indications that your human self is being lifted up, gradually preparing you to hold the consciousness of heaven here in your human form. Likely, you have experienced some or all of them in any of your bodies at different moments.

Physical Body Symptoms:

– Your energy to accomplish simple daily tasks is very different now, bursts of energy or being unable to move.

– You have physical complaints that are new to you, aches and pains that move around.

– Your appetite is different and your tolerance for certain foods has shifted.

– You have ringing in your ears or hear sounds differently.

– Your sleep pattern is changing, sleeping more or less than usual.

– You are gaining or losing weight unexpectedly with no explanation why.

– You have flu-like symptoms that come and go seemingly at a whim. It never lasts long, sometimes only an hour or so. (Ascension flu)

Mental Body Symptoms:

– You are noticing more, witnessing your life in a new way.

– You may be questioning who you are, what you want, and why you are here. The old answers are no longer fulfilling.

– Your memory is not what it used to be. Your ability to recall familiar words or names is slipping.

– You have a lack of focus, foggy head, and lack of clarity, often leads to forgetfulness and distraction.

– You may go into a room and be unable to remember why you went there.

– You may experience problems with judging the passing of time.

– You may change plans suddenly in mid-stream, going in a completely different direction.

Emotional Body Symptoms:

– You have mood swings and a short temper, unpredictable to anyone around you, but also to yourself.

– You become easily stressed, worried, anxious, tired or frustrated.

– You feel less grounded, and less confident making important life decisions.

– You are depressed for no apparent reason.

– You have a need to withdraw, to find time alone, away from civilization and relationships.

Spiritual Body Symptoms:

– You notice an increase in or new awareness of psychic abilities: Clair- senses, telepathic connection,
and intuitive thinking.

– You recognize an increase in epiphanies, original thought, and insights.

– There may be a sharp increase in the amount of synchronicity that you experience on a daily basis.

– You might notice an increase in moments of joy, love, peace and compassion for yourself and others.

– A flow of gratitude permeates your moments, allowing the divine to continue the transformation of your human self.

I’ve experienced all of the above symptoms from time to time. My mind, my mental body, has been the most difficult. It has been called a ‘steel trap’ by others, a source of pride in myself. My human identity is centred in my mind, my ego/personality and my mental acuity. It does not want to let go of who it thinks it is, what it knows, making decisions, planning and trying to make things happen. It has been most challenging to allow moments of letting go that give space for more divine within and allow my mind to experience More. To let it feel, know and experience the beauty and joy of higher levels of consciousness.

That, then, has been the key for me…the gradual letting go and allowing small moments of shift become longer and deeper experiences of my Soul Self and its connection to the higher realms. I’ve been building a history of ‘success’, of the awesome experiences that await further letting go of the old. And my mind has slowly, ever so slowly, opened to More.

It’s challenging to experience these symptoms that often trigger fear in our human self.* To allow this to be a comforting awareness that you are indeed being transformed from a human being into your divine self…a Soul here in human form having human experiences. As I realized these symptoms were a message of transformation, my mind began to let go of worry bit by bit and that (and breathing) calmed the anxiety.

I started to understand that it was not just my physical and spiritual bodies being transformed. As I continued to release low-frequency emotions that hold thoughts and behaviours together like glue, the insight came. I am literally changing operating systems, allowing a new reality to be my truth, my home. I learned more about the new, divine operating system of Unity Consciousness, the experience of being in heaven. It was very different from what I thought I knew and had experienced as real in 3D. And yet, the new possibilities and potentials, the higher perspectives of Unity Consciousness make my Soul sing, even as my mind continues to quake at times. And that’s another article: Next Steps: Changing Operating Systems.

From my heart to yours,

* Please consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about any of these symptoms. Information provided here is for educational purposes only, not to be construed as medical advice or treatment.

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  • Dennis

    June 30, 2024 - 10:16 pm

    Eloecea…..This is a great article you wrote recently. So beautiful and clear regarding symptoms of enlightenment and the huge change experience we are all having on so many levels. I am finding it easier and easier to assimilate the energy and information coming through Great Spirit to me and the planet…and to allow it to integrate gradually into my system. I do feel that I have a ‘new normal’ forming as the ‘old normal’ continues to dismantle itself in front of me. So interesting to me…in fact I’m fascinated by it all. I want this transformation and change and have asked for it. To witness its arrival steadily is beyond words. I concur with you and all you spoke about in this newsletter. Your connect with Great Spirit is impressive and that you enjoy sharing your insights means so much to me…and I imagine others as well. Don’t stop writing these articles, they rock. I love you, Eloecea.

    • Eloecea

      June 30, 2024 - 10:46 pm

      I so appreciate your sharing your own experiences and joy as you find your way through this shift. And, yes, ‘to witness its arrival steadily is beyond words’. Thank you, Denny – for contributing to this piece and for your affirmations of what I’m about and find such fulfillment doing and being.

  • Dan Meylink

    June 29, 2024 - 10:36 am

    Eloecea, you paint a very compelling and beautiful picture of your evolution into Unity Consciousness. I would like to think that all of us can/will follow that path. But a question — early in this writing you say “There is enough light and high frequency energies on Earth now to naturally shift everything and everyone into higher levels of consciousness”. I’m not seeing a world that has more light and high frequency energy. I’m seeing a world that is disintegrating or tearing itself apart. Where are you looking when you make your observation?

    • Eloecea

      June 29, 2024 - 2:44 pm

      Thank you, Dan, for your thoughts and question…the simple answer is that I look within me, connect with my Soul, and I know that all is well. There are those channels of higher beings that also offer this message of hope, and those that are not as clear. I bring ‘new’ information gathered from external sources into my connection with the divine. This is why I began the First Steps concentrating on that, before I offered Next Steps with information about the Bigger Picture and other aspects of our journey home. One fail safe question to ask: Does this awareness bring me hope and joy, or does it deepen my doubt and despair? It is not from my mind that the higher frequency emotions such as joy, love, compassion, faith and wisdom arise, but from my heart in connection with my Soul. I’ll talk more at some point about how our choice of focus and thoughts actually create our reality…for now, look within your heart. As I started to post this, I was reminded of St. Germain’s message: “Nothing is as it seems; everything is as it should be.” It took me (my mind) months, if not years, to truly allow this possibility – and I offer it to you and those who read this to feel your way into it rather than think about it.

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