The three A’s…Awakening, And, Allowing. These are ways of understanding, aligning with, and expanding into Unity Consciousness. The global accelerated evolutionary process we are in is a natural process. Change happens…you shake up what is, have a transition period with both old and new realities present in your awareness, and allow the new to become your primary reality.
We all have different ways of waking up in the morning. Sometimes we jump out of bed, immediately ready to see what the new day holds. Other times we prefer to slowly become aware of a new day, enjoying that period of half wakefulness. For our purpose here, waking up is simply becoming aware of More…the presence of your Soul and the Bigger Picture. And we will all wake up in our own time and way.
As if coming out of a deep sleep, your Soul invites you to open to a new reality. It offers you the opportunity, in every moment, to realize it doesn’t have to be this hard. That suffering is not our natural state. And there is More to explore, remember and become.
As we expand more and more, our mind is challenged to let go of the old programming. ‘But I thought…’ is a frequent phrase as we begin to explore the Bigger Picture and our connection with our Soul Self deepens. It is the connection with our Soul that encourages us to follow after that which brings joy, love, peace and satisfaction…so different from trying hard, forcing, manipulating, and failure.
Life in 3D is a struggle most of the time. Life in Unity Consciousness, or Christ Consciousness, is effortless, as if being in heaven…because we will be. It flows with grace and ease. Gradually, ever so gradually, I began to experience the differences. As I released old thoughts and the emotional entanglements that kept them stuck, my mind quieted and I was able to receive new thoughts and the higher frequency feelings. I could sense my Soul Self beginning to come forward, providing different choices for my mind, guiding and supporting me on my journey into Unity Consciousness. I started living in the ‘And’.
Living in the And
Asking ‘What if…?’ became a way for me to open the door of my steel trap mind, to let in the Higher perspectives. Like quantum mechanics or the parables from Jesus, they tend to boggle the mind. In our 3D-programmed state, we were taught those beliefs and behaviours that helped us fit in, to make our way in the world. This was the plan…to forget we are Souls here having human experiences in human form. We did this well!
As I began to open to new possibilities, my mind pushed back. I realized that my old patterns came from fear of not fitting in, not doing it right. ‘What if…?’ offered a way for my mind to consider the possibility that there was More. I chose to explore and experience (not just think about) what the new possibilities offered.
There were new paths that felt more free, brought more joy, allowed my Soul to sing. What if this was true for me? What if I didn’t have to do this the old way? What if we are all Souls finding our way home? What if differences are to be celebrated and enjoyed, not judged?
My Soul Self was ready to expand even if my human self was not. It was there to support and guide me as I took my first steps into my true nature. And it was uncomfortable…confusing, frustrating, anxiety-provoking at times. Talk about cognitive dissonance!* Not having a bedrock knowing of what was real, what was true, was disorienting. And yet…my Soul Self was there, loving me no matter what. Reminding me there was something More. Inviting me to let go and allow my divinity to rise up.
Allowing is another way of saying trust someone or something. Changing Operating Systems, shifting from our old human focus to our eternal Soul focus, is challenging. And yet it is as simple as trusting your Soul, allowing it to remind us of who we are, offer higher perspectives when we get stuck, and bring experiences that validate our new understanding.
Our human self was taught to trust the conditioning, what we were taught about our world, our beliefs, our actions. We learned to trust this because not fitting in, not doing it the right way, often led to punishment of one form or another.
‘I need to get out of my own way…’ is a phrase I have used often these past years. Basically, it meant let go of the old 3D based human programming and allow the Christ Consciousness, Unity Consciousness, to begin to permeate my being, to become my primary operating system. Understanding and Allowing St. Germain’s comment…”Nothing is as it seems, everything is as it should be”…took me years.
Our Soul Self offers an expanded awareness of the Bigger Picture. Allowing offers the promise of creating heaven from within as we open to our own path home. The freedom to become our natural, divine self brings fear at first. Letting go of what we thought we knew and allowing love, joy and peace to be our new way of being is gradual…and, oh, so fulfilling.
Awakening to new possibilities, living in the And of both realities, and Allowing my Soul Self to support and guide me these next days, months and years brings joy to my heart and relief to my mind. I no longer have to figure stuff out, fix things, make things happen.
As long as I remember this, and choose to deepen my connection with my Soul Self, life is becomes fun and exciting again. Problems become opportunities to choose a different way of experiencing life. And I am never alone. My Soul Self is with me every moment as I remember who I am and begin to create my reality from my heart knowing.
The Three A’s offer a human understanding of the divine process. Now your human mind can get out of the way again, trusting your Soul Self as your primary operating system more and more.
From my heart to yours,
* Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort you feel when a you hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time.
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