As I was meditating earlier, I was reminded of one of my favourite hymns (chorus) …
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
look full in his wonderful face.
And the things of this earth will grow strangely dim
in the light of his glory and grace.
I had to smile – that’s it in a nutshell…focusing on Jesus and his message of love and grace, letting go of the things of this earth, and allowing the light of the Christ Consciousness to fill us. That is the essence of Changing Operating Systems.
We are allowing the light of the divine to breathe into us the higher perspectives, feelings and senses. Our bodies are becoming human vessels capable of carrying these higher frequencies and vibrations. Let’s look at some ways this change is affecting our four bodies.
Our memory, the way we process and retain (or not) all our experiences, is shifting. The old linear filing cabinet method is leaving, and a new ‘cloud’ storage is coming in. Forgetting a word or name, losing your train of thought are symptoms of this shift. Our mind is not familiar with the new system yet. When this happens, just stop for a moment, choose to let go of anxiety or trying to figure it out. Breathe deeply, continue what you were doing/saying, and allow what was lost to come to you in perfect timing.
Notice that your minds receive higher perspectives from love and compassion. We now know that everyone is here as a soul having their own human experiences. They’re on the same journey that we are. There is no need for judgment of self or others when this awareness takes hold. We’re truly all in this together, remembering who we are as Souls.
Our human mind is limited to the past and we keep trying to fix things from what has worked before. As we shift into the new possibilities and potentials of Unity Consciousness, we open to new awarenesses and solutions to old issues.
We are gradually letting go of thinking about what to do, when, or how to do it. We are beginning to allow the flow of the Universe to bring you everything you desire/require in divine timing.
It’s not just emotional release…old thoughts and behaviour patterns also come up in the process. We can choose to become aware of old negative thinking and behaving. With the support of our Soul Self, we allow the new operating system to bring in higher perspectives that lead to new, more loving and compassionate behaviours.
Our bodies are transforming from being carbon-based to a crystalline form (sometimes called your Lightbody) that can hold the higher frequencies and vibration of 5D. This allows our natural form to come in with its awesome abilities. It is self-maintaining and self-healing, along with many other aspects of higher consciousness.
The old 3D physical body cannot hold the higher frequencies, like pouring new wine into an old wine skin. The wine would swell and burst the old skins. (Mark 2:22) And yes…your body may feel like it’s swelling and ready to burst at times.
The aches and pains I noted in a previous post as symptoms* are places in which the light is shining on our old emotional patterns. If we are not releasing these low-frequency emotions, they become stuck. Discomfort arises with the presence of higher-frequency light as it gradually releases the resistances.
Our emotions are also stored in our physical body. By releasing low-frequency emotions such as worry, anger, and greed we create more room for the new higher-frequency feelings. You may notice feeling lighter in general, smiling for no apparent reason, feeling playful.
I have noted before that the 3D experience is based in fear and suffering. Our choice to forget our connection with the divine as we come into this lifetime creates a sense of separation from home, from loved ones. The grief, the sense of being alone, is unbearable until we experience the love and caring of the family that welcomes our soul in our human self.
The rest of our lifetime as humans, we search for people to people to provide this deep connection. Or we find activities or substances that help distract us from the emptiness we feel. Yes, there are moments and situations in which we feel love, connection, joy now…and I remind you that there is so much More as we free ourselves from the old and allow our Souls to guide us home again!
As we are changing our operating system, emotional release is not just about lifting the old, stuck energies. We are also grieving the loss of familiar thoughts, behaviours and physical experiences of being human. Our human self is not just experiencing change, we are opening to a new way of being, mostly unknown.
Shining light on, loving those dark places within us, creates room for more divine light, a stronger connection with our Soul Self. Eventually we will be operating from the heart/mind of the divine in Christ Consciousness.
A new awareness of how we create our reality and manifest our desires comes in. We see our creations show up more quickly and in surprising ways as we remember that we are divine creators of our reality.
We are not alone on this journey. Our Soul Self knows what is happening, is always present, and offers support and guidance as our human self get scared of letting go into the unknown.
We experience time as going faster, days and months fly by. At times, we forget what day it is or what we’re supposed to be doing that day, even if it’s a regular activity. We think it’s noon when the clock shows 3 pm (or 9 am).
We are coming into the now moment where other lifetimes and experiences may bleed into our awareness here and now. A sense of knowing someone you’ve never met before, or having already been somewhere you are just hearing about, are examples of this.
As we focus on the present, letting go of the emotional glue that holds our thoughts in emotional entanglements, we become free of obsessing about the past or future.
The Bigger Picture:
Changing Operating Systems is one aspect of the Bigger Picture. We are shifting from human-based to soul-based awareness and operations. When we were born, we chose to forget that we are divine so we could have human experiences. It is now time to gradually remember who we are…to become our Soul Self with all the bells and whistles that come with this higher level of consciousness.
A glimpse at what the new operating system offers:
– Freedom from the limitations of 3D;
– Higher frequency feelings like peace, compassion, love, joy, satisfaction;
– Connection with all of creation;
– Creating our reality from love as we allow Heaven within;
– and radiating this love to all humanity, bringing Heaven to earth for all.
Compared to 3D, living in 5D, or Unity Consciousness, is simple, effortless, and fulfilling beyond our human imagination. We can live in joy as our true/natural self, not our ego-driven 3D self. Even if we experience this for only a few moments at first, we begin to sense the magic and miracles of living in Christ or Unity Consciousness.
It’s time to realize you are creating your reality now – every thought, where you focus, how you feel about yourself. There’s more to come…
From my heart to yours,
* Please consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about any of these symptoms. Information provided here is for educational purposes only, not to be construed as medical advice or treatment.
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