In previous posts and on my website, I mention ‘knowing’ something or ‘being guided’ in some way. My experiences of communicating with my Soul Self are many and varied. From listening to or reading what someone else has channelled, to receiving a message directly, this continues to be a fascinating, fun, and at times, frustrating part of my journey.
I really wanted to be able to do this myself, so I started exploring what information was available 20+ years ago. One of the books I found, Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide (Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer), led to my first conscious experience of communicating with my Soul Self. I remember struggling with this, not from doubt since I was determined to make this happen. It was more because my mind and emotions were so active at that time, there was no room to just listen and receive. Eventually, releasing, pleading, and maybe even some bargaining along the way, I did hear the names of my guardian angels, consciously opening the lines of communication.
At first I was dubious, to say the least. My question after my first experience with listening to someone else channel my Higher Self: ‘Why should I believe any of this?’ And the answer…’Our human ego mind tends to resist the unknown and unknowable. It is by connecting with your Soul Self and experiencing the gradual transformation that you will know it is true for you.’ Doubt still comes in at times, yet the experiences of communicating with my Soul Self over time provide my human self with support and guidance, affirming my choices and allowing my ego mind to let go into higher perspectives and the bigger picture.
There are four main means of communication* with your Soul Self (or other beings), often called paranormal or psychic senses:
Clairaudience (clear hearing)
You will hear them either audibly or inside your head almost like it’s your own voice. You may hear actual words or a suggestion of a message. In 2009 I was living in the Los Angeles area, aware that I needed to move with no idea where. Sitting outside on my patio one day, wondering about this, I clearly heard ‘Ashland, Oregon’. Wait a minute…what happened to LA? My time in Ashland turned out to be perfect for my journey.
One of the things about messages from the divine is timing…I (my mind) never know exactly when to act on them. I could have stayed in LA another few months. It would have helped financially and yet my mind made up a story (created a plausible context) and I moved sooner.
Another fun way I have received guidance and support is through hearing music in my head. Different songs come to me from time to time. Every once in awhile, I become aware of humming or singing along with something in my head. Most often, my mind gets the message. Sometimes it is simply soothing or stirring, other times the lyrics may have a more specific message.
My Soul Self often uses Christian hymns from my early years, like “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, or “Breathe On Me Breath of God”. A few weeks ago I was hearing a somewhat unfamiliar song. I could remember part of the title “The Great…”, but not the last word. I asked my Soul Self for help and heard “Pretender” a few moments later. It was reminding me that I was The Great Pretender…a soul pretending to be human. That was fun, funny, and a good reminder at that time.
Clairvoyance (clear seeing)
You may see things actually manifest physically. Most, however, just see images in their head almost like a movie playing in their mind. So you may see a symbol or image of the message. This ‘Purring Warrior’ image** (a heavily padded/defended feline warrior) was an icon in a computer game I was playing at the time. I was standing out on my front patio in Vancouver on a beautiful day, the clouds bright, fluffy white against a deep blue sky. This image suddenly showed up on top of one of the clouds against that sky. I looked, looked again, and laughed. And then I stopped for a moment, breathing deeply.
The message I received through this image confirmed what I knew and filled me with joy. Cats have a long history of being associated with feminine energy. The feminine aspect of my Soul Self was hidden behind armour, kept safe until the moment arrived in this lifetime when it would no longer be enslaved by the masculine. I was in the process of dissolving those protective defences as I released the emotional entanglements that had served their purpose. My divine feminine beingness was ‘coming online’ gradually.
Claircognizant (clear knowing)
You just have a knowing about things, like intuition (not for women only, guys!). For many, strong in this gift, it feels like knowledge pours into the top of their heads, often called a ‘download’. Another friend calls this knowing an impress, an awareness of something new. While most of my communication is in short messages, I have also received larger downloads. The essence and structure of Expanding into Unity Consciousness came to me in that way. Yes, there were tweaks to what I received as I continued to open to the information. However, the body of the message remained the same. This was to be the platform for how I would present my self, my Soul Self, to the world: inviting all who came to remember who they are as souls and providing a path for their journey, creating heaven on earth from within.
Clairsentient (clear feeling)
These are the feelers, the empaths. People who have this gift feel their Soul’s guidance in their bodies and in their heart. Most people can feel empathy for another person without necessarily being a psychic empath. The main difference, however, is that someone who is a psychic empath often picks up non-visual, non-verbal cues that another individual is feeling pain, fear, or joy. Sometimes this is a matter of detecting energy fields or auras, other times, it may be simply a case of “knowing” that the person is feeling a certain way, despite no obvious clues to that effect.
I was not aware that this was part of me for most of my life. As a psychologist, my ego mind ‘assumed’ I was taking in information and using my education to help those clients who came to me. Turns out, I was highly sensitive, an empath. During my PhD program, I interned at a Los Angeles County Children’s Clinic. After about 10 weeks, my body was hurting to the point that I asked to be reassigned. Headaches, muscle tension, nausea. My body was taking in the low frequency energies, the pain and suffering that were especially strong in that clinic setting. I was transferred to another site working with adults.
Interestingly, that experience also led to the birth of Counseling4Kids, a non-profit mental health agency for foster children. I could create, grow and administer an organization for other counsellors who provided the psychological services, just not work with foster kids and their families myself. I now know that the more I stay in my higher levels of consciousness, I am aware of the pain and fear others are experiencing without taking it into my own body.
There are many other ways of communicating with your Soul Self, connecting with the divine. Have fun recognizing those gifts that you have already been experiencing and expanding into new possibilities. Perhaps as your mind learns more about the Bigger Picture, it will be willing to let go of its old beliefs and allow you to discover even more of your Soul Self.
From my heart to yours,
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*excerpts from Desy, Phylameana lila. “Meanings of the “Clairs”.” Learn Religions, Sep. 9, 2021,
**sorry for the blurry image in the section on ‘clear seeing’ 🙂