Expanding Into Unity Consciousness

creating heaven on earth from within…

Unity Consciousness is what it’s all about, WHAT IS POSSIBLE. This is the MORE I was searching for the first fifty years of my life. My soul knew there was something or someone out there, some understanding of who I am, why I am here, why the world is so confusing and messy, why I couldn’t do what I knew I should do…all of that. We need to expand our perspective of reality, remembering who we really are.

As we choose to let go of the old and allow Unity Consciousness, we shift the level of consciousness in the world around us as well. It might be a smile that lifts the tension in a conversation, or a compassionate understanding of another, or a new solution for an old problem. Everything shifts when we are willing to let go of the old and allow our divine Self to shine.

"We need to expand our perspective of reality.
Unity Consciousness is the crucible of wisdom, understanding,
and experience that holds that expansive space for me. "


Many have had an experience of the divine, of feeling the unconditional loving acceptance of yourself. And then our human ego mind takes over again as we shift our focus to the daily concerns of our lives in this dimension. These thoughts and beliefs are based in fear, programmed into us from birth.

Feel into this for a moment:    Love that is free of attachments, no longer needy or possessive, clingy or conditional. Love that gives you and everyone around you the freedom to be your divine self without any demands. Virtues such as kindness, humility, respect, wisdom, selflessness, and hope present in every person. And things we now think of as miracles and magical become commonplace.

What if we could stay in that heavenly experience? Remembering who we are, that we are divine beings here in human form, allows us to receive more of the divine in our physical vessel, our body. We have greater awareness, more potency and connection with others and all of creation. Love, peace, joy, abundance, compassion, safety, gratitude, health, freedom, empathy, and respect for others naturally flow in and through us as we shift our awareness.

We gradually become these attributes as we focus on our Soul Self as our primary identity. This is the experience of Unity Consciousness, the Christ or Buddha Consciousness, the Fifth Dimension of an expanded awareness of and connection with the divine within.

A Short Introduction to Unity Consciousness:

In this 60 minute course, we will learn about the bigger picture,  Unity Consciousness and the Cycle of Expansion.  Discover the true nature of who you are and a path that will guide you there.

Date and Time:  Second Monday each month    7-8 pm

Discovering your Soul Self

Within the nurturing space of a small group, this immersive course will meet bi-weekly for eight 2-hour sessions. By setting your intention to expand, this highly experiential learning space will offer support and guidance as you: