Unity Consciousness

Experiencing heaven here on earth


Cycle of Expansion

Discover your Soul Self by healing past trauma through emotional release


Resources: Expanding Together

You are not alone - expand with others on the same path home


"Creating heaven on earth from within…"

In this time of increasing natural disasters and violence, of humanity seemingly trying to destroy itself with extreme polarisation, there is room for hope! There is a path to Unity.
It’s time to expand into a higher perspective. Are you a human being here on earth with a connection to a divine being ‘out there’? Or are you a Divine Soul here in human form, having human experiences? How do you identify? It makes all the difference in the world!

" Nothing is as it seems, everything is as it should be. "

St. Germain

Unity Consciousness

Unity Consciousness is what it’s all about, WHAT IS POSSIBLE! Remembering that we are divine beings allows us to receive more of the divine in our physical vessel, our body. We have greater awareness, more potency and more connection with others and all of creation. Love, peace, joy, abundance, compassion, safety, gratitude, health, freedom, empathy, and respect for others naturally flow in and through us as we shift our awareness. We become these attributes as we become heart-centered and focus on our Soul Self as our primary identity. This is the experience of Unity Consciousness, the Christ/Buddha Consciousness, the Fifth Dimension.

Discovering Your
Soul Self

The Cycle of Expansion is the HOW TO Discover Your Soul Self! These signposts are the essence of the wisdom and insight received from spiritual, psychological, scientific resources and experiences throughout my life. They provide a flexible and open path for everyone to go within, release old programming and emotional entanglements, and expand into their true Self. Begin to create your path Home today!

This video is part of a panel presentation at Vancouver School of Theology, Inter-religious Conference on Religious, Spiritual, Secular, May 2020.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ”

Anais Nin

Signs that it’s time to expand:

Learn about a bigger picture with new potentials and possibilities for change within yourself and in our world.

Learn how to shift your thoughts and focus to consciously create your own heaven on earth from within.

Learn tools to assist in releasing the emotional entanglements that keep you trapped in fear.

Your soul knows your divine purpose and intention. Learn how to deepen and expand your connection.

Becoming a member of Expanding Consciousness connects you with others who are on their journey, too, with additional support and guidance.
Our human ego mind tends to resist the unknown and unknowable. It is by connecting with your SoulSelf and experiencing the gradual transformation that you will know it is true for you.

Resources: Expanding Together

Are you trapped in a cage of your own making by your own choices?

Let’s Talk Freely:

Connect with Eloecea
Check out free videos
Explore other resources

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Expanding Together:

Opportunities to learn more about what’s going on in
our world today, explore a bigger picture and find out
how you can open to your Divine Self.

"Who would you rather have in charge, guiding and supporting you through your life experiences? Your divine Soul Self or your human ego mind?"


About Expanding into Unity Consciousness

Expanding into Unity Consciousness Society (dba Expanding Consciousness) was formed to foster love for all creation. Unity Consciousness is our natural state here on earth. We know that each person is the creator of their reality and, together, we create the reality in which we live.
Photo by toshalobsingerismyphotographer.com

About Eloecea PhD

There are sweet spots in life where religion, spirituality, psychology, and science come together, allowing each of us to gradually open to and experience Unity Consciousness. The Cycle of Expansion is a synthesis of the wisdom and personal experience I have gathered on my own journey Home.

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    What People Are Saying


    Expanding With Eloecea - Simple Ways to Begin


    30 minute Conversation
    with Eloecea
    • Bring your questions, Discover new possibilities for your life, See if we are a good fit.


    Expanding Consciousness Conversations
    with Eloecea
    • Join us for an hour of exploring what we think is real and asking “what if...?"


    Notes from Eloecea
    • Sharing my “ah ha” moments, those times I am reminded of higher perspectives in places I get stuck.


    When you know your heart’s desire to become all your soul has come to be, EXPAND is the place to be. Subscription to EXPAND provides an opportunity to connect with Eloecea and other souls who choose to let go of their old ways of being and expand into higher levels of consciousness.

    EXPAND is a monthly subscription-based community. You may cancel at any time. I hope to see you as we gather in joy and gratitude for who we are becoming!